School Military Point of Contact: Jennifer Miller- School Counselor
(228) 831-1276
Military Family Life Counselor
Darlene Casey
Records Clerk/Registrar: Jennifer Dyess
Transition Planning
Upon registration, please let the registrar know that you are active in the military. Once registration is complete, the students will be led by a member of our student-led transition team on a tour of our school.
Academic Planning
Each of our instructional coaches works to ensure all students are growing academically. Any students who are not responding well to Tier I instruction will be referred to our MTSS team to come up with interventions to address any gaps in learning. Our 7th and 8th grade students will receive additional academic support and planning in their Cyber Foundations classes and through academic career planning with the school counselor.
Resources and Educational Opportunities
For guidelines on school entry and reentry: MIC3
For free tutoring 24/7:
For help with community involvement:Our Military Families
School’s Student-Led Transition Program
New students will be led on a school tour by a member of our team. The students will be able to meet with the team monthly and the school counselor as often as needed during the transition process.
Exceptional Student Education Services
Please click the following link for information: Harrison County School District - Special Education
Military Recognition Events
Veteran’s Day- Breakfast Event for all families of students with veterans
Purple Up Day: Students dress in purple and students in military families receive special recognition
Greetings: Student council heads up a drive to create and mail cards to service members.
Mental Health
The FOCUS program website includes downloadable PDFs with information pertaining to resilience skills for family members. Family Skills
The FOCUS program is located on the Navy base and this link provides contact information. Focus Project
The Military Child Wellbeing Toolkit offers information through the Military Child Education Coalition website (MCEC). The left- hand side of the webpage contains links to these topics.
Military OneSource offers a variety of resources and services to military-connected families, including non-medical counseling.
Contact Information for Statewide Military School Liaisons
School Liaison Contacts
Larry Mullins, NAS Meridian
Office: 601-679-2473
Cell: 601-479-2025
Mona Odom, NCBC Gulfport
Office: 228-871-2117
Cell: 228-323-6105
Joni L. Nalley, Columbus AFB
Office: 662-434-2792
Cell: 662-352-6456
Gerald Cross, Keesler AFB
Office 228-376-8505